Published on 21 Dec 2017 | Views 41846

SIT is nothing but an “itch” !!

Mohit Hussein and myself (Chhavi Mittal) were deciding what to do for our 10 year anniversary. Excited as we were, with a little girl at home, we couldn't think of too many things that we wanted to do. Some amount of research on dear Mohit's part led us to explore the possibility of a 'stay-cation'. Well, apparently that's something a lot of busy-bodies are doing now-a-days, and as it turns out it is a very fun and practical thing to do for people who live in metropolitans, and really do not have the time or luxury to go for a vacation.
So, we left our daughter in the tender & loving care of my parents-in-law, and checked ourselves into a hotel for a night. It was one of the most fruitful nights ever for us. We spent a lot of well-deserved and badly needed quality time together, and we talked. We talked and talked and talked. About all sorts of things, important, banal, funny, boring, everything. But the most important revelation happened when we discovered that while we both love each other dearly, we are not being able to spend ANY time with each other at all! We discussed moving to a city with less speed. We discussed our respective career options, our daughter's education, our finances etc. So basically, we discovered an "itch" to do something that not only gives us the opportunity to stay closer, but also gives us tremendous work satisfaction.
And that was a night of a different kind of "passion", and a seed was born. The seed of Shitty Ideas Trending.
Having been together in a wonderful relationship for the last 11 years in all, we had reached a stage where we both could see our flaws vis-à-vis the other person. So we decided to launch our channel with a funny series on couple relationships. Funnily enough, we both agreed that women (read : me) can get really unreasonable at times. And that Men (read: he) can really get patient if they love them! The ideas kept pouring out and Mohit took out his phone's video camera to start shooting what we talked about. Believe it or not… the first 10 episode ideas came in a span of 30 minutes that very night! And hence was born, Men… The Real Victims!
And now we have 2 very very lovable, innocent and hellva lot demanding little children! Our adorable daughter AREEZA, and SIT! Keeping our commitment of a video each Friday, watch DOLLY KI SHAADI – S1 E4!


Love & Peace from us to you!

Published by Chhavi Mittal
