Published on 16 Feb 2018 | Views 18537


For all those who are married it's common knowledge that the wife always knows better. In any couple's life, there are certain undefined and silent rules that are followed by a husband and wife in tandem. They don't even realize it, they don't know who defined those rules, but it's just silently understood and subconsciously engraved.

For example, which utensil is the tea to be made in is an undisputed decision that the wife takes. How will the laundry be segregated and washed, again the wife's department. What will be cooked for dinner is decided by, you're right.. the wife. Where the Valentine's dinner will be had, the wife decides.. This season the family vacation will be at.. the destination that the wife picks. Come to think of it, there are really extremely few things that a husband knows better! And while I write this blog, my mind is racing and thinking what could it be that a husband knows better.. There must be something right?

God knows so many men have gone crazy figuring out what it is that they know better than their better halves! But a man, who does not even know if the clothes that he's wearing are the correct ones, really doesn't stand a chance in front of that Ms Know-all wife, can he?

Well, watch this hilarious presentation by SIT where we depict exactly how much better, does a wife know. But before you click to watch, remember, this video is based on true events!

Karan V Grover as Rishi and Me (Chhavi Mittal) as Rohini, brought together as a couple by my handsome husband & the creator (in that order) Mohit Hussein

Shitty Ideas Trending presents WIFE KNOWS BETTER!

Published by Chhavi Mittal (Co-Founder)
