Published on 29 Mar 2018 | Views 18884

When I was a Bin Bulayi Mehmaan…

Well, we all have been an uninvited guest at some or the other point in our lives. For me, it was more than once! But the first time was the most unforgettable and also the most, ahem.. unabashed! I had just moved to Mumbai and was house hunting as any other new aspiring actor/model. That can be a very taxing time in one's life, especially if you are a Delhi girl used to a certain "size" of a house, if you know what I mean. I had recently started dating Mohit Hussein and since we were not married, living with him was not an option (yeah, we're old fashioned). So he introduced me to a friend of his and requested her to be kind enough to take me in for a couple of days, till I found a decent (read affordable) place to rent. Kareena (name changed) was more than kind and offered me to stay for as long as I wanted! Little did she know that I would actually take her up on that!


She as renting a modest one room kitchen in 7 bungalows, although her heart is still the size of the mansion. She was generous enough to give me her bed to sleep on, the freedom to use the kitchen, a spare key to het house and Mohit the permission to come and visit me whenever he liked. Well, soon I became so comfortable that I started missing my sessions with the broker. It wasn't long before Kareena found herself hosting Mohit as well for chai and sometimes dinner too.

I think about 2 weeks passed before there was any mention of moving out from my end. Finally a day came when to get her own privacy, Kareena had to go out of town for a 2 day get-away, while I enjoyed the comfort of her house! But this time, she was smart. Since telling me on my face was difficult for her, she left me a sweet yet stern letter asking me to vacate before she came back!
Phew! Reality check! And once again, due to my laziness in looking for a house, I was left looking for a short-term but urgent arrangement to move into. Can you believe what I did? The unthinkable for sure. I moved into another friend's house as a Bin Bulayi Mehmaan and went on to stay there for almost a month before her landlord started complaining of me staying there without paying rent! LOL! Some habits die hard.
While you watch how long Soumesh Bhaiyya stays at Shivendu's house, displacing Keerti of her own house, share your own anecdote for being a Bin Bulaya Mehmaan in someone else's house. Or maybe vic e versa.

Meanwhile, SIT presents, BIN BULAYE MEHMAAN – S2E3

Published by Chhavi Mittal (Co-Founder)


  1. Lovely written btw you r bin bulaye mehmaan to our lives n heart but you can stay here forever coz we love SIT videos...Ciao! love you!! keep posting!