Published on 05 Apr 2018 | Views 15294

The Different Types of Guests!!

Team SIT has put in a lot of effort in season 2 of Bin Bulaye Mehmaan and it's totally paying off with all your love and support. However, as we move towards the penultimate episode we see Soumesh Bhaiyya (Yash Sinha) seems to have found a permanent place at Shivendu's (Anuj Sachdeva) home while Keerti (Aditi Gupta) is having a tough time staying at her friends place in season 2 of Bin Bulaye Mehmaan. Now how many of us have faced a similar situation as the one in BBM-S2? I am sure a lot of you would raise your hands. But were all the guests the similar kind? Well, guests also have their variety. Based on my experiences, I would categorise them into five kinds. Let us see what they look like.

1. THE FREELOADER: The kind who believes in the phrase, 'Feel At Home'. The one who will pick up YOUR newspaper and start reading like its his own. The one who will own YOUR television remote and change channels at will. The one who will eat all of YOUR food without really bothering to check if you have eaten.
2. THE CONSTANT TALKER: We know the guests at our place are on a vacation but that doesn't really mean that they have the right to strangle our brain cells with their constant jabbering. You could not be listening to anything they are saying, but that will not deter them from continuing with their verbal diarrohea.
3. THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: Guests at your home are enough to wreak havoc in your lives. But imagine if this guest gets more guests, then what do you do? During these few days, it's like your home is not your home, it is a party pad.
4. THE SILENT ASSASSIN: Some guests are so silent that you don't know if they are still around or already boarded their flight. They sit quietly in the room assigned to them, come to the dining just to eat and then go back to their room as if they were on a undercover mission.
5. THE UNTIDY ONE: And this one is by far the worst. The one who leaves your room in a mess, who will keep different pieces of crockery and mugs at different spots in your house. The one whose going away is equivalent to a small contribution from your side to Swach Bharat.

While you sit and think about which of the guests you have actually encountered, watch the episode, subscribe to Shitty Ideas Trending and click on the SHARE button! Good things deserve to be watched and that's how we will make this place a happy place.


Published by Priyanka Pereira (Social Media Manager)
