Published on 24 May 2018 | Views 20738

ARGUMENT with your spouse!

Men and Women. Husband and wife. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Whatever relationship they are in, they argue, they fight, they pull each others' hair at times. Why though? Since there was no right answer to this question, it was simplified by John Gray by means of the eponymous phrase "men are from mars and women are from venus". However, let's face it, they both have to live right here on earth! So we at SIT tried to decode the reason for arguments between a husband and wife from our end. Yes, undoubtedly husbands and wives have different perspectives on things and hence they usually end up having a difference of opinion. But why does this difference of opinion have to go to the extent of an argument? And the argument to a fight, a fight to unpleasantness, eventually leading up to divorce so many times!

Mohit Hussein, the creator of the SIT videos, and myself (Chhavi Mittal), the co-founder of SIT and also his wife, have gotten into a 1000 such arguments in our 14 years of relationship. (Add another zero to that). But one thing I will tell you, only (I can count this on my fingertips) 3 of those arguments turned into fights! Do you know why? Because there is golden rule that we follow in our mariage. (Mohit made this rule up by the way) The rule is to NEVER SLEEP OVER A FIGHT! It's only the times that we did end up arguing through the night that the arguments turned into colossal fights. I want to ask you (please reply to me in the comments) how many times have you fought/argued with your spouse and it continued for days at end, only to create a rift, or a crack in your relationship? And while you do count those numer of times, don't forget to watch the video currently streaming on SIT, starring your favourite couple Abhimanyu (Pracheen Chauhan) and Meera (Pooja Gor).



Published by Chhavi Mittal (Co-Founder)
