Published on 14 Jun 2018 | Views 14882

The Many SIDES to a FATHER

THE TYPICAL INDIAN FATHER, with his strictness but ever melting heart, plays many roles in our lives which we may often fail to notice. For a majority of my life I personally just saw him as a 'father', but that one word in itself incorporates so many roles it's surprising. The more the time passes, the more roles come pouring out. There are days when he'd plan spontaneous trips and push the entire family for a trek early in the morning and there are days where he'd be at work late at night and you may find yourself worrying about him like you never have. Quite often he lets go of things that make him happy while prioritizing us, and often it's up to us as kids to bring back such joys for them much like last year's Father's Day special by SIT, THE GIFT OF LOVE.

This year let's acknowledge the many parts that he plays in our lifetime

Mentor: After a heavy dose of yelling from your mother, you may often find him sitting you down and talking to you about where you may have gone wrong. Maybe in school when you didn't score that well, he truly tried to guide you through what you want to achieve in life, by simply talking to you one on one.

Money Advisor: Your mom might be worried about how you never save up, but your father will always be there telling you about new ways or methods to save money which have been tried and tested.

The Closet Sentimental: While you know for a fact that your father is the tough one, he has his days when he may miss you or be worried for you and you may find him shedding a tear somewhere in the corner. Have you never found your father hastily wiping his eyes during an emotional movie?

The Experimental Cook: After days of watching MasterChef, or maybe inspired by a recipe or a unique cuisines, father's often wander into territory that is not so familiar. Quite a few of us are blessed to have dads who are regular cooks, but for some it's a more periodic thing. No matter what the frequency is, the food always turns out to be exquisite!

The Jester: Everyone is a fan of "Dad Jokes" and it's a Sunday favourite to sit down for lunch and listen to your father crack jokes which only he may find funny but somehow they lighten up the mood of the house and make you laugh at his simple silliness.

The Driving Instructor: From cycling and scooters to the 4 wheels, dads are known to be the most patient driving instructors. The early morning car rides and the fear of you spoiling his favourite car filled with weeks of yelling and approval nods finally end up in their child being able to drive. Didn't you ever receive the hour long lectures about how the gears worked?

The Moderator: This without any doubt has to be the most important role he plays. After hours of ugly fighting with your mother, our dads are the only ones who calm both the parties down and try to reach a stalemate. Sides maybe taken, but he sure knows how to be objective.

These are just few of the parts he plays in our lives, for many of us he may play multiple more roles. The best part is, he never stops playing them. Let's remember what our dads mean to us, and like we've done before, we at SIT bring you this year's Father's Day Special video. Do like and share the video if it reminds you of a lot of sweet memories of your father!

SIT presents The Better Half - KUCH YAAD HAI?

Featuring: Chhavi Mittal & Karan V Grover


Published by Fiza Anand
