Published on 06 Sep 2018 | Views 25445

Internet is a BASIC NEED!

Have you heard the joke about the man who asked God the meaning of life and couldn't get an answer because God’s internet server was down?

If you have then you know how relatable the reality of being unable to use or access internet is. The pain and struggle of bearing through the hours or days where the only notifications that light up your phones are SMSes and calls. And there is none from WhatsApp, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and on and on and on. The feeling is often very similar to that of a ghost pang. You know the kind an amputee feels where he's lost his limb but still keeps reaching out to it?

Internet has become such a crucial part of our lives that we don't even realize how much we depend on it till we come across a situation where our mobile internet and Wi-Fi both decide to ditch us together. I personally remember being present through one of the floods in Chennai and I craved for that one bar of internet so I could see my Instagram notifications. And our obsession is practically close to insanity.



There are times where we'd rather sit in a shady corner of places surrounded by mosquitoes than be present inside a room that lacks the connectivity. The internet has been our friend and foe at all times. It's helped us escape awkward situations where we just don't want to communicate, it's helped us pass our time while the people around get boring, and most importantly it's helped us stay connected to everyone in the world. But the moment someone pulls the plug off the Wi-Fi or our internet packs end it almost feels like we've been sent into a zone of zero contact without civilization around.



I still remember this one time I went to a hill station for a vacation and the cottage I stayed in had no network, except this one point near one of the windows that too when the phone was placed behind the grills of the window. And surprisingly not only did I discover that spot as a 'disaster management’ but I also spent a majority of my time trying every angle possible to hang my phone in that position to be able to access my beloved social media apps.

We live in an age where cafes may not have good food but if they have Wi-Fi you know we'll end up sitting there for hours at leisure!

But what happens when you just don't have internet and the pangs of social connectivity claw through you?



But it’s not just us. You will notice the auto-rickshaw drivers also driving around with their mobiles stuck to the steering wheel where they are following google maps. The house helps are cooking with their smartphones in front of them following recipes from YouTube! So naturally, when our iconic BABY (Shubhangi Litoria) is gifted a smartphone by ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) & RISHI (Karan V Grover), she gets introduced to a whole new world! Watch what ensues when she gets determined to find out the Wi-Fi password, in the new episode of MAID IN HEAVEN.



Written by
Fiza Anand
