Published on 13 Dec 2018 | Views 11373

To Have a Baby or Not to Have

It feels like a natural progression of life to get married and eventually start planning for the new member in your lives. Considering the society we live in right now, the pressures are often inevitable and newly married couples often get bombarded with the 'Ab khush khabri kab de rahe ho?’

Regardless of that, planning for a kid intuitively starts coming to married couples once they feel secure economically and otherwise and soon they start to sit down with Venn diagrams to weigh their options and to calculate through intense discussion whether having a kid is a good option or not. Quite often I've seen around me, that the husband and wife decide to opt for a dog or a fish (sometimes a plant) to see how well they can take care of a living thing before they actually bring a child into their lives which we all know is a huge responsibility.


While having a toddler playing around you and adding joy into your lives seems picturesque and as these Instagram mom's show on instagram, quite often is just flowery and filled with rainbows, the real picture is not exactly that. It's undeniable that having a kid is a joyous moment and a wonderful journey to go through with your partner but needless to say it's not a cakewalk. There are a million things prospective parents have to think about before they plan on having a child such as financial stability, availability of time, current job situations, living conditions and the list is endless. Most importantly it's the planning that is the most crucial aspect of the entire journey. Knowing when to have the kid and being aware of your own economic stability becomes very essential.  While the end result is what gives us the most happiness quite often parents aren't prepared to endure what the child might bring into their worlds just yet. A child requires time, love and care and parents need to sit and plan out very meticulously if they can provide the same to the child at the given moment.

Some parents opt for kids very late in their married lives while some go for them as soon as they believe they are most settled. Take for example the founders of Shitty Ideas Trending, Chhavi Mittal and Mohit Hussein, who decided to have their first child after a good 7 years of their marriage. But then there are those who never go forward with childbirth and may or may not opt for adoptions. There is a different story to each parent. For those who choose to add this new member into their lives, with all the laughter and all the memories come endless sleepless nights along with a lot of crying, pooping and of course a lot of dirty diapers. To be honest you can never truly be prepared for a baby because each experience is different and you turn to learn new things each step of the way. And most importantly you re-learn the fundamentals of love where you promise to love your partner in sickness and in health, and same applies to your offspring.

So once you've sat down with the scales to measure and weigh each side of pros and cons, one thing is for certain that the when, where and how of increasing your family might turn out to be the most crucial part of your marriage which would be followed by a huge new chapter which will have its ups and downs, it's laughs and cries, along with the candies and maybe a little vomit. But once you take the decision, it's inevitable that you're adding a bucket load of lessons, memories and love into your lives as you see your young one experience it's firsts along with you by their side.

So watch as RISHI (Karan V Grover) and ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) enter the third season of ‘The Better Half’ with the big question looming over their heads. Where do you think they'll head, to baby's paradise or not?  Watch ‘The Better Half' S3E1 to see what's in store for our favourite couple.



Written by
Fiza Anand
