Published on 27 Dec 2018 | Views 1795

Adieu 2018, Hello 2019!


New year’s is approaching fast and as the year 2018 comes to an end so does another glorious year at Shitty Ideas Trending. It’s the perfect time to reconsider all you have done this year and refresh your resolutions to give them a kick start for the fresh year.  The best part of a new year is that it allows you to start afresh. If you’ve had a bad year then well nothing like a fresh start and if you were one of the lucky few to have had a fantastic year then why not push your luck further and have another successful year moving forward. This year we’ve seen a lot of new things coming into picture and new actors joining our family. New year is the perfect time for one to look back at all those 365 days and prepare oneself for the upcoming year. While some enjoy themselves a good party, some prefer the quiet solitude of their home or a holiday to embrace the new year. So as we welcome 2019, let’s take a look at what the SIT family is up to this 31st of December.


Founders Mohit Hussein and Chhavi Mittal are heading off to the perfect new year’s along with their daughter Areeza to Hong Kong to celebrate their daughter’s birthday and a happy new year in the wonderland of Disneyland. Quite an envious vacation for children and adults alike, don’t you agree?


Onscreen RISHI, Karan V Grover, would like to ditch the partying crowd this year and prefer himself a peaceful holiday. He has made it a pattern to head off into resorts in secluded areas to enjoy the new years in cordoned off regions. While last year it was a camping resort near Lavasa this year he is aiming at a jungle retreat! Well it seems Karan prefers his new year’s eve closer to nature and wildlife than having a wild partying night!


Our all-time favorite BABY, Shubhangi Litoria is continuing with her carefree attitude off screen as well, and even though she may not have any concrete plans for the new year, she seems happy with whatever comes her way. I believe spending time with your close friends is a perfect way to wave a goodbye to any year, and Shubhangi seems to be wanting that as well. With no plans in hand, you will find her on the new year’s eve nestled closely with her closest friends.



Pooja Gor, seems chock blocked with work and with a shoot here and another there, it does seem like she might be entering 2019 while still doing what she loves the most, acting. But give this biker girl a chance and she might just race away to a little getaway with friends or family to welcome the new year. 

Pracheen Chauhan already seems to have his plans set in order for 2019, with a party lined up in Chandigarh which would be celebrated enough for the new year and to add to that he seems optimistic about planning a house soiree with his close friends in Mumbai itself while being pretty clear that he wants to stray far far from away from any of the new year's eve parties in the city.

With all plans in order the entire cast of
SIT is all set to give a warm welcome to 2019 with a lot of excitement for what is to come next year, while bidding a happy goodbye to 2018. So watch the new episode of Grass Greener on The Other Side as ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan), MEERA (Pooja Gor), RISHI (Karan V Grover) and ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) along with RISHI’S friends plan out a poker night to welcome the new year!


SITpresents Grass IS Greener On The Other Side-S2E5 - WHAT THE HOW!



Written by
Fiza Anand 

