Published on 21 Feb 2019 | Views 5848


The glory of pregnancy and the tales of ups and downs through the process of bringing a new human into the world is mostly only discussed from the point of vision of a woman, the mother. Even in our blogs and SIT videos we've discussed and shared the happiness, cravings and needs of the mother. But today let's give the father's a shout-out. Parents comprise of both the mother and the father and even though the father isn't physically carrying a child he's as much a part of the journey as the mother is. Except the growth, learnings and realisations of the father are much different from that of the mother.


In various countries, technology was actually developed to induce pain in a man to allow them to feel what a woman does during labour, which means that the father's out there really want to be a part of the journey so bad they are willing to put themselves right in the shoes of the mothers.

 As the mother's face the pain and nausea of pregnancy, the husbands can only be a part of that discomfort to an extent. Similarly when she feels the baby move inside of her, the father often misses out on such glorious moments. As the mother begins to carry the child in her, and her body adapts and changes to accommodate the new changes, the hormonal and biological shifts in her body tell her that she's a mother much before the child is born. The motherly instinct develops as the child grows in size within her. But what about the father through all of this? Because the only changes he's facing are in his environment and of course in his wife. It's her needs increasing and the need to ensure her comfort, safety and well-being. So while the wife gets a chance to mother a child before it's even arrived, the father's role is much different from that.

As the anticipation of his family increases the father's begin to plan out the future course of action, they may even develop some frown lines planning out the additional finances. Some may sit and plot out schools and play schools even before the baby's come into the world, but isn't that how all fathers are? A little careful, a little worried and right there waiting to feel the kick of the baby when the chance arrives. As a real life expecting father, Founder & Writer Mohit Hussein cannot help but agree.

While the mother is the most highlighted individual through the course of the pregnancy, the fathers sit back in the shadow and ensure that everything goes according to plan and that the mother and his offspring are well provided for before and after their arrival. So what do you think RISHI (Karan V Grover) is doing through the changes in his life as he fulfills the role of a father in making as ROHINI'S (Chhavi Mittal)pregnancy advances? Watch to find out!


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Written by
Fiza Anand
