Published on 18 Apr 2019 | Views 3244

Bucket Half Full or Half Empty?

A bucket list – what does it mean for you? For each one of us it’s something different. Skydiving in Spain? Scuba diving in Australia? Bungee jumping in Africa? There is absolutely no limit to it. In fact, the very idea of a bucket list is to live life without limits! We all wait for the moments in our lives when we can take a break and rush off to tick that one thing off our bucket list. Quite often our lives stay crowded with priorities such as work, family and absolutely no available window for a possible vacation, but when we do find one we know how we rush at the chance. We all have our bucket lists, some have them written down some don’t and we make sure that we head off our lives in a direction that somewhere leads to those items being crossed out. But why must we wait for the time? I took inspiration from my father who headed off to climbing one of the hardest treks in Nepal at the age of 50! While husbands and wives sit together planning those vacations, taking into account children, money, leave from work, maid troubles, and so on quite often the joy of spontaneity is also lost. Isn’t it?



Through blogs and videos, I think it’s evident that SIT Co-founder and Creator Mohit Hussein  and his wife & Co-founder Chhavi Mittal, have maintained a balance of work, life and equal doses of fun. But that doesn’t always work out for everyone at all times. Our bucket lists quite often remain hidden in our diaries till we bounce upon them again while revisiting our past and realize where and when those could be fulfilled. But the good thing about bucket lists, is that they don’t have to be time bound. They don’t need to be limited to a certain time of the year or a certain vacation. As we grow older we evolve, married couples often come together to a consensus of mutual bucket list goals, as they’d want their partner by their side when they experience some of the greatest joys.

Sometimes your bucket goals may clash with your partners. You want to jump off a cliff and enjoy some bungee jumping, while your other half is terrified of heights. And maybe they want to scuba dive, but you have no clue how to swim. With work assignments ever present, and the worries of your children growing up around you, it isn’t necessary to discard your bucket list goals to work for the ‘important’ things in life. Rather, redefine them! Re-plan them! There are some goals that your family can experience with you, so relish that. While there are some that you just want to explore for yourself or those around you may-be unable to participate with you, so ensure that you work in the direction of making time and space for that! No matter what don’t discard them thinking that it isn’t the ‘age’ to do so.



As life moves on, various elements get added to it, the bucket lists expand or condense to fit these changes. The followers of Shitty Ideas Trending have been watching ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) and RISHI(Karan V Grover)  as they’ve been enjoying the journey of pregnancy and experiencing the major life shift. At this crucial time comes an opportunity for RISHI to strike off one thing off his bucket list, but will he be able to actually go ahead and do that? Watch what ROHINI’s perspective to this is while ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chahan) butts in to help RISHI achieve this goal.

SITpresentsGrass IS Greener On The Other Side-S2E7 - THE BUCKET LIST


Written by
Fiza Anand 
