Published on 25 Apr 2019 | Views 23325

The Nesting

You know how mothers always know what's going on with you? If you had a bad day - they'll call. If you're hungry - somehow there is already food waiting for you! The motherly instinct is just waiting to protect you at every corner of the road. I left for a vacation and my mother needed me to be on a location sharing application every minute. The need to protect and care rises in a mother much much before you're even old enough to talk! And it's not just emotional, it stems from biological aspects.

As co-founder of SITMohit Hussein and co-founder & actor Chhavi Mittal prepare for the arrival of the newest member in their family, Chhavi is experiencing these phenomena for the second time around. The body prepares itself, and nesting instincts start developing. Every mother-to-be is well versed with this. You start cleaning, organizing and preparing for your dear baby. You start collecting items and things for the baby, from clothes, diapers, cribs, etc, you name it and the mother-to-be has it all ready!

And yes it's love that makes it all happen but it's also hormones that prepare the mother for the newest edition, no wonder the baby and the mother take absolutely no time to bond even when he/she is still in the belly. Mothers are known to sing to their baby and talk to them much before their arrival, no wonder a baby too is well aware of the calming voice of their mother before knowing anything else.

As a woman undergoes the different phases of her pregnancy, she starts taking up things that you may not have seen her do before. Eating things that she hated before and discarding those that she loved. It's as if an inner voice starts telling her what to do and what not do. And this doesn't just happen because they know the do's and don'ts of motherhood. You don't need to learn them, your body automatically starts instructing you. A surge of motherly instincts and you may feel them surging for kids all around you. And for the new born baby, this motherly instinct is this first step towards trust and bonding between it and the mother.

Married couples experience a huge shift in their lives as the mother prepares herself. Moreover her emotions and her perspective towards everything help settle this new change. The hormones fortunately help her further from changing the way she looks at things as a woman to now looking at everything as a mother.

So as RISHI (Karan V Grover) and ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) prepare for the arrival of their baby, the nesting period takes over ROHINI as the countdown reaches the final period.


SIT presents The Better Half S3 E9 THE NESTING

Written by
Fiza Anand
