Published on 16 May 2019 | Views 2150

The INCEPTION of a NEW Chapter

Bin Bulaye Mehman has been a very essential part of our journey here at SIT. And after two successful seasons we are finally here at the third installment of our favourite uninvited guests.

But before we put out a show for our dear viewers, there is a lot of blood and sweat that goes into the making and creating of the storyline, characters and plot. A lot of hours are spent to produce something worthwhile that our viewers not only enjoy but also carry forward with them. Characters have to be molded, castings have to be made and shoots have to be set up. And hence Co-Founders Mohit Hussein  and Chhavi Mittal spent a lot of sleepless nights before they reached the final product but this of course wasn't without its own share of obstacles.

Talking about the scripting process alone, the entire journey took 2 months before the actual script was finalized with dialogues. And then came the first reading of the script, the first step towards any episode, which too came pretty late because the casting of our character SUNNY took its own sweet time. Once the casting was complete, we reached the herculean task of matching everyone's available dates for shoot. The biggest hurdle showed itself when the first reading finally took place with all the characters ABHIMANYU, MEERA, JAHNVI and SUNNY and of course Chhavi and Mohit. The first reading made Chhavi and Mohit realize that the script hadn't turned out exactly how they'd expected. But rather than being defeated they took it upon like a challenge and reworked the entire script to create something that would please the viewers! With just 15 days left to the scheduled shoot, both Mohit and Chhavi redid at least 85% of the script till it reached the level of perfection they desired. It was admirable that even though they had their hands full with Chhavi's pregnancy bearing its final days, and the edits and continuous developments of the new channel Mohit and Chhavi are launching called Be Safe, they still managed to work tirelessly on one of the most enjoyed series at Shitty Ideas Trending, to ensure that the script is something worthwhile and funny!

Finally with the end date edging closer, Chhavi and Mohit finally called all the actors for the full reading again one day before the commencement of shoot and after all the nights and days they'd worked on the script, there was no way that it could falter this time. And as expected, the entire cast loved the script presented to them and that's when they knew that they had their winner script. Thus was the inception of BIN BULAYE MEHMAAN Season 3.


So with all of this being said, let's welcome our all time favourite couple ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan) and MEERA (Pooja Gor) as they head off to Delhi and bump heads with old friends, JHANVI (Mansi Parekh) and SUNNY (Puru Chibber) being forced to overstep on some shoes and some boundaries in the first episode of Bin Bulaye Mehman Season 3.




