Published on 30 May 2019 | Views 4430

The Unexpected Fight

A misunderstanding in any relationship is completely inevitable. Moreover in a marriage it's more like normalcy to have big and small misunderstandings every now and then. To a certain extent they are healthy and allow better communication. Don't you agree?

Misunderstanding can erupt over the smallest of things, maybe something as silly as you forgetting to take the milk in the morning or asking the maid not to wash the clothes while your spouse might have said the exact opposite. I know I have had my share of arguments on simple things like who ate the food without the others consent.

But putting aside these minor head locks, what happens when you fall in the actual puddle of misunderstandings. A relationship such as marriage is an intricate one, which sustains on factors such as trust and communication. And it is quite often the lack of these which makes you not understand the other's perspective. Quite often the time passes by and we end up protecting our own egos, which harms the relationship in turn. It could pop up because of miscommunication or something the spouse said that hurt you, and the worst thing to do in these scenarios is to let it pass. It magnifies into a mountain and often causes immense strain in the relationship moving forward. Moreover when you're living in the same house, the stress often gets to you making it even more unbearable. The simplest thing to do in these cases is to simply sit down and talk it out. It's not as hard as it seems and the solution sometimes can be as simple as being heard or hearing your spouse out. This is the first step towards fixing a misunderstanding before it blows out of proportion. Maybe your ego is stopping you from approaching your sulking husband or wife, but remember there is a bigger picture to look at. You efforts shall not go in vain dearest soldier!


Through the various episodes here at Shitty Ideas Trending, we've seen ROHINI and RISHI have their regular ups and downs but what's been uncommon is MEERA and ABHIMANYU having their share of tiffs thus SIT founder Mohit Hussein has made sure that you see a new side to the relationship of MEERA and ABHIMANYU in the new season of Bin Bulaye Mehman! MEERA and ABHIMANYU'S fight proves that even the most perfect couples sometimes can't evade the occasional argument. And while we've seen ABHIMANYU and MEERA deal with problems like pros, sometimes even the most unpredictable of couples come into loggerheads and struggle to find a solution which is perfectly natural.

So what happens when the favourite on-screen couple MEERA (Pooja Gor) and ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan) get stuck in a messy situation with each other? How do you think ABHIMANYU gets out of this fight? Watch the new episode of Bin Bulaye Mehman to find out!

SITpresents Bin Bulaye Mehman S3 E3.


Fiza Anand
