Published on 13 Jun 2019 | Views 1059

The Full House

All married couples are well aware of the fact that marriage never just holds two people. Of course children become an integral part of a marriage once they arrive, but there are many more people who become involved when two people get married. It's never just you two, it's your parents, your in-laws, your siblings, your spouse's siblings and so on! One family becomes multiplied by two when the vows of marriage are taken. For some it's a happy incidence, for some maybe not so much! Through Shitty Ideas Trending's episodes we've seen ROHINI, RISHI, ABHIMANYU and MEERA all handle their parents and siblings whenever they've come into town. Along with them came in confusions, difference in ideologies and of course all the good family time and love.


From the very beginning our parents play the most important role in our marriages, even before the holy allegiance. The ultimate approval, meetings, organising the functions and so much more already makes them someone you need at multiple steps in and during your marriage. And considering they hold sufficient experience in the field of commitment, you know you'll definitely head to them every now and then for advice or for a moment of rant. For some, parents might act as the learned gurus in the area of marriage offering words of wisdom making sure you learn from their mistakes and follow their examples while in some cases the parents might just be observant guardian angels who watch you while you learn your own lessons and explore your relationships independently.  


And then come the second set of parents : our in laws. They have often acquired a bad name thanks to indian daily soaps but for each the relationship differs much like other relationships. Some are blessed with supportive in laws while some learn to adapt with interfering ones. While love is an ulterior motive in each case, relatives sometimes fail to see when they are interfering and when not and I'm sure we can all agree to that.


Our siblings, brothers and sisters in law are yet another party in our marriages. In some cases they might just be an irregular occurrence with lunches and dinners every now and then or maybe they sit at your dining table every day asking you in-depth questions about your marriage and giving you answers to questions you didn't ask! All these individuals still come under the inner circle of your family, and then comes the extended family who you bump into here and there at marriages or functions with an occasional, 'Aur ab baccho ka kya socha hai?". Some pricking questions are asked, unsolicited advice delivered, and maybe an occasional judgemental comment is passed which might just be taken seriously by the couple, but in some cases couples just develop a thick hide. But at the end of the day, even though we have our love/hate relationships with them, our families and extended families are what make most of our moments memorable.

So what happens when JAHNVI's (Mansi Parekh) sister and her brother-in-law come over for dinner, who SUNNY (Puru Chibber) is not particularly fond of? And how ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan) & MEERA (Pooja Gor)become party to some serious fun and drama! Watch the next edition of Bin Bulaye Mehman-S3 to see what ensues!


SITpresents Bin Bulaye Mehman S3 E5


Fiza Anand
