Published on 01 Aug 2019 | Views 929



LIFE GOES ON… you make plans.. big plans… and you feel that you have your whole life ahead of you and there is so much time to do all you want. Life goes on… Then you start a job, a job that doesn’t really make you happy, but because you’re good at it and it keeps the kitchen running you continue to do it… Life goes on… Then one day when you’re all grown up you have an epiphany and realize what you actually love doing, what your passion is. You start doing that as a hobby, and life goes on…  Except when suddenly you realize that life is slipping out of your hands and you don’t have the time to do what you’re passionate about, but of course, work is more important because now you have kids and you have stomachs to feed and you have responsibilities and so much more.. hence, life goes on…

But imagine going on living like this… (who are we kidding.. most of us actually live like this, don’t we?)! The exact same situation happened with meand my partner in SIT and partner in crime, Mohit Hussein. It seemed as though we had built a life together just to be able to live it separately! Mohit was busy shooting (drudgery as it had become) and me, busy raising a baby (a job I had no qualification to do). We both started having a lot of differences but thankfully we both agreed on one basic thing. That whatever life we lived, we wanted to live it together. All 3 of us. Hence, first steps first. Mohitdecided to take a sabbatical for 6 months. We decided on that time frame as per the resources we had.

After enjoying life for a good couple of months, panic slowly started to build up as we needed to think of options to earn or else one of us (if not both) would have to go back to do what we had already quit! Scary as it sounded at that time, it soon started to look like our only option. And then, after considering numerous options, Icame up with the idea to start a YouTube channel with content that WE   loved to create, rather than content that OTHERS loved to watch (I still wonder from where I got that thought). We discussed the ideas for the initial 10 episodes in a matter of one night.

The rest as they say is history. Shitty Ideas Trending was born out of nowhere. And after 2 years of sheer hardwork, learning the craft, learning the ropes and tremendous amount of fun, we finally succeeded in making the business even lucrative! And because most of our ideas come from real life stories, we thought, why not share this story also with the world! Who knows, somebody might get encouraged. If not encouraged, many would certainly get entertained! And hence we launched season 2 of PYAR KA PUNCH.

But of course, ABHIMANYU & MEERA could not have simply gone ahead and started a YouTube channel with zero knowledge. That would not only be far-fetched, but also silly! Abhimanyu (Pracheen Chauhan) is a marketing professional and Meera (Pooja Gor) is a Chartered Accountant. But Mohit and Iwere hell bent on telling this story to the world for sure. So we thought and we thought and we thought. We brainstormed. Heard each other’s ideas and blatantly rejected them. We discussed over meals, over night-feeds (we now have ARHAM HUSSEIN too, who’s only 2.5 months old!), over early mornings with AREEZA(our first born 6 year old), even discussed across the bathroom door! And we finally cracked it!

To know what Abhimanyu and Meera finally decide to do, what they realize their calling is, you need to watch the next episode of PYAR KA PUNCH-S2, which is now streaming. Also, do stay tuned to this series to find out how this adorable couple not only climbs the ropes of success, but also finds another degree of compatibility!

SIT presents PKP-S2E2 – THE START-UP

Published By: 
Chhavi Mittal 

