Published on 22 Aug 2019 | Views 1016


Through the many episodes in SIT we have often seen the importance mothers have in our lives. As a toddler or as an adult. Be it ROHINI and her new born baby or ROHINI with her own mother. No matter what age we reach, it's impossible to function without turning to the boss lady for advice and direction. Yes we may still call them for stupid questions likemummy rajma kitni der bhigone hain”, but it goes beyond that. Having coped up with us for so many years, they for sure know how to handle us at our worst and at our best. They've seen us as toddlers and they've seen us adults managing our own families. But I don't believe there is ever a day when you can stop turning to them for advice and guidance, is there?



You know how in a company an employee rises from a subordinate to a boss? They've seen it all, they know it all. They are the ultimate boss ladies. Which is why, when it comes to us turning into boss ladies ourselves, they are the first people we turn to. The day you turn pregnant, the journey of pregnancy, the arrival of your baby is all incomplete without your mother guiding you through the entire process. And you can be sure of the fact that no matter how many blogs you read, how many books you flip through and however many people you ask, the secret tips that your mother has stored away would be incomparable to any advice you find.


Shitty Ideas Trending's Co-founders Mohit Hussein and Chhavi Mittal are themselves experiencing the joys of welcoming a new member into their house, with their son baby Arham. As your family expands, new parents often falter and learn while striving to do what's best for their child. Which is when the role of a mother comes most in hand. You turn to the seniors when it comes to advice, the ones who have the most experience. And our mothers know it the best, which is why it's almost a tradition that our dearest mothers come forth like shining beacons of hope once our child steps into the world. Each new mother awaits the arrival of her own mother for the first few months as the mothers steps up to lend her daughter a hand as she learns the ropes of motherhood. It's anyone’s need to want your mother around during this part of your life, either you run to her or she runs to you. And once she's done with her training process you're well versed for motherhood and all its upcoming obstacles (almost!)

But that goes without saying, that our parents, especially mothers are a treasure trove of the mother-encyclopedia, who we desperately turn to as we welcome our own toddler in. We feel the need for her support and guidance and thankfully she's right there to tell us that everything will be alright. It's the routine of passing knowledge and it happens everywhere, even with ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) as she awaits MRS. CHOPRA’s (Deepika Amin) arrival! Watch the new episode of SITThe Better Half to know the events that ensue! 


SIT presents The Better Half S4 E3- THE TIMETABLE


Written by
Fiza Anand
