Published on 29 Aug 2019 | Views 1132

To fight or not to fight?

Two people together in a relationship or a marriage are bound to be struck by the gods of chaos multiple times. It's rarely possible to find a couple who go hand in hand with everything, agreeing at every step. Disagreements are of course healthy for relationships for us to grow and learn more about our partner. Don't you agree? We have arguments about the most basic things to the most complex things. Be it who forgot to put the toilet seat down or about remembering something the other said and pitching your tents for war!

For those who understand, you know that there are days when fights can erupt about anything and everything. Before your marriage it could be about things like 'why didn't you call me' or 'why didn't you reply to my message' while after marriage it may transform into 'you're not giving me enough time!' or the opposite 'you're not giving me enough space'. There are times when fights become inevitable, the finished chocolate or a show watched without the other may lead to heated arguments! But the most common fights we have with our better halves are the ones that pop out of miscommunications! Those are the volcanoes waiting to erupt which lead up to awkward silences for multiple days till one comes up and decides to test the water again. We've seen ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) and RISHI (Karan V Grover) in The Better Half so many times fall into the pits of arguments because of BABY (Shubhangi Litoria) the maid or because of other situations which may arise.  On screen or off screen, we are well versed with the fact that arguments and fights in a relationship are inevitable. Be it about the past, present or future, you WILL have fights with your better half. The question is if you have the knack to handle it like a pro.

But what do you do when it comes to picking the winner? Whose fault was it? Was it yours? No way! We always find it easier to point a finger at our partners. Why must we apologize when they can so easily do it?

Sticky situation indeed when neither parties want to put their feet down, when a wife always believes the husband is wrong and the husband is adamant that it can't be him and has to be the biwi's fault!

 But there is someone we've seen who slides out of these situations in the slyest of ways. ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan) has always carefully nudged problems between him and MEERA (Pooja Gor)away without the slightest of a scar. Some may feel there is something wrong with the way ABHIMANYU avoids arguments but the fact is that he uses his unique talent to have a happier life and  to benefit their marriage. Now is that so bad? Having created the character of ABHIMANYU, SIT director and co-founder Mohit Hussein shares this belief. He too ensures that all conflicts are taken care of and kept far far away from his marriage. His wife and SIT co-founder Chhavi Mittal couldn't agree more on this!

ABHIMANYU has on multiple occasions used his talent to advise RISHI on his days of conflict, now here comes a new friend in distress! Will ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan) be able to share his talent, along with MEERA (Pooja Gor), to help his friend ARJUN (Akhlaque Khan) as he locks horns with his wife? And will casualties be involved? To find out, watch the new episode now streaming!


SIT presents Pyar ka Punch S2 E3 HONEYMOON KAAND

Written by
Fiza Anand 
