Published on 19 Sep 2019 | Views 1380

Maid For You

Domestic help.The word itself denotes household assistance. Something that is crucial in today’s day and age. It’s more like domestic dependency if you think about it. You recall those panic-stricken moments where you’d dread the absence of your maid. Like the party you’ve casually had and the call comes saying “Didi main aaj nai aungi”. Last night’s enjoyment turns into today’s pains of scraping and cleaning. In our day to day lives, we don’t realize how convenient and dependent our lives have been made, thanks to our maids.



They have their share of quirks, but we’ve accepted that beyond that because they provide us with something we can’t live without - the wheels to run our house. You may have your own reasons for hiring help. Maybe you have too much work and find no time to sweep and clean, or you have kids that need tending, or you simply dislike household chores like every other person and need the guardian angel to come and relieve you of the work. There isn’t anything that a help hasn’t taken care of when it comes to undertaking a house, be it cooking, cleaning, planning your meals, buying your groceries, the list is endless. I know how often I’d feel a sense of hatred for my maid when she’d come and turn my fan off to sweep the room while I was asleep, but that same anger would transform into love and gratitude during the week she’d head off to her village.

Maids aren’t replaceable. Unlike many things in life. You can’t just move on from one and binge eat till you find the next. Having the perfect maid is almost comparable to any good love story. Where they understand your needs, give you tea before you ask for it, finish tasks before you delegate it, make your favourite food and never take a leave, unless absolutely needed. Who needs someone who finishes your sentences, when you can have someone who washes all your dishes. But all this love often leads you nowhere when they end up taking you for granted. They know you can’t do without them, hence they ensure they take all they can when they can!

But the more leeway you give them, the more they move in a little more. Taking unannounced leaves, asking for raises, coming in hours late as you and your partner patiently await her arrival like in a Karan Johar movie. What option does one have after that? Fire her? That is another painstaking process, which probably causes more hindrance than a breakup as you spend the next 1-2 weeks in absolute filth trying to find a way to make sure your house doesn’t fall apart. This is followed by multiple calls to your security guard, sabzi wala, dhobhi, begging to help you in time of distress and help you recruit a replacement, who may or may not be the maid of your dreams.

Viewers are aware of BABY, the iconic maid, who makes sure that ROHINI and RISHI are always on their toes. If work isn’t done, she has an answer. If she needs a leave, she has her reasons and if she needs money she has her ways. She slyly gets away with almost anything without even a bit of a scratch and well, I believe everyone can relate to this as we have always faced such characters when it comes to domestic help.

But this time, ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal) has in fact had enough of BABY’s (Shubhangi Litoria) antics and decides to teach her a lesson. Giving her solicited advice is MEERA (Pooja Gor). Watch how that turns out in the new episode of SIT’s Maid in Heaven.


SIT presents Maid in HeavenS3E2- GROUND RULES

