Published on 26 Sep 2019 | Views 1524

The Help

Many blogs and articles have been written on the pains of finding the right maid, who treats you and your house right. About how they are ignorant, take the employer for granted and skim overwork. But let me begin this blog by asking you a simple question. Do you talk to your help? And I mean beyond the daily chores.

Do you know where she lives, who does she live with or which school her children go to if she has any?

These questions are enough to make you ponder on the fact that while your maid knows every nook and cranny of your house and the things you like to eat and those you don't there is a chance that you may not know her as well as she knows you.

In contrast to our lives, the lives our helps lead are drastically different. It's a life they often don't choose but continue to work rigorously for their families and to fulfill basic needs. I mean I know I sit on a chair all day and I end up with a nightmare of a backache, but what about them as they slog through 10 houses a day repeating the daily chores in each, tirelessly? Or when they spend the entire day straightening up your house so you can have a house which is prim and proper?

Not only should we be grateful for leading sufficient lives but also for the education we've received which they quite often don't have the option to receive or complete. But despite any hardships that they may have faced, they wake up every day with that cheerful disposition and rush over to our homes to make us our adrak tea that we so love. While we see BABY, the maid, being hilariously clever with her antics, I don't think the viewers would deny the fact that despite it all the care she has for ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal), RISHI (Karan V Grover) and now little JAHAAN (Arham Hussein) is immense. More than just help, our helps becomes a part of our families with all their nurturing and care. They know our whims and fancies, they know how we want our house to look, they take an extra effort to cook things the way we'd like and they give us that extra dose of TLC when we fall sick.

So the next time she asks for a leave or a raise, maybe try to think about things from her perspective before you say no because of the discomfort you may face. Even if it is something as simple as her wanting a break to rest. Try understanding she's tired and the more you understand her, the more she will understand you. And if it comes to a raise, think about how much that extra 500 would benefit her in turn of how much it'll affect you.

So why not step out of your shoes and into hers, go meet her family, talk to her, visit her house and understand where she comes from. And the next time she lends out a hand to ask for something, help her out with all the compassion you can.


So let's head off to a new journey of finding out more about our favorite maid BABY (Shubhangi Litoria) in this week's episode of SIT Maid In Heaven!


SIT presents Maid In Heaven S3 E3 – BABY PE BHARI



Written by
Fiza Anand
