Published on 03 Oct 2019 | Views 1402



Two empty vessels always make a noise. Right? Think of a married couple as that. Empty vessels. And you will know how normal it is for them to fight. Show me a couple in love and I’ll show you a reason why they fight! No, not because I claim to know everything about their relationship, but because in all probability, my husband (Mohit Hussein) and I would be fighting for the exact same reasons! Truly, we are all nothing but empty vessels.

But how can all couples fight for the same reasons? Well, let’s see. It’s not the reasons, but more so the “way” they fight, that makes it the same. A simple argument about why the milk got over and whose responsibility was it to order a fresh packet, or why is there dal for dinner (again?!) and not something a little more exotic, can easily waver into the direction of, “is it always my responsibility”? Or, “why don’t you do it yourself”.. lingering on to, “you feel I don’t do anything right”, bordering dangerously on, “you don’t love me anymore”. Sounds familiar? Sure it’s such a “woman” thing to do while arguing or when you’re in a fight. But does that make the husbands better?

Oh of course not! Let’s see. A common issue like, “you were supposed to get the washing machine fixed over the weekend, why didn’t you?” can go to, “So what if I forgot”, going on to, “what’s the big deal?”.. and then, “I’ll get the clothes laundered”, and culminating with a “you talk as if I don’t get anything done in this house”. But this is not it! All these funny retorts by the wives and the husbands lead to smart replies from the other half as well, and slowly but surely every fight starts to sound the same, and ends in the exact same manner! A p*ssed off husband and a livid wife.

Now you tell me, in a situation like this, is it a wonder that someone like ABHIMANYU (Pracheen Chauhan) has understood this philosophy in a deep rooted way and hence is able to impart pearls of wisdom to various arguing couples in love? This was the basic idea behind the launch of Season 2 of PYAR KA PUNCH. Creator/Founder MOHIT HUSSEIN thought that just the way he keeps his wife (me) happy (I’m choosing my words carefully here, the real word is ‘handles’) why shouldn’t he share what he knows by means of his epic characters MEERA (Pooja Gor) and ABHIMANYU with the rest of the world?

And hence, SIT brings to you various problems faced by vessels, I mean, couples around the world. Let’s see how Abhimanyu solves ROHINI’s (Chhavi Mittal) brother KUNAL’s (Gunjan Utreja) issue without even him knowing that he’s being counselled!


Written by
C0-Founder -Chhavi Mittal

