Published on 10 Oct 2019 | Views 2696

The Baby Blues are HERE!

I could bore you with stats about how it happens to almost all women, but if you're reading this blog you already know what I am talking about. One may assume from an outsider's perspective, that once the 9 month pregnancy is over the hardest challenge has been completed.

Mothers will chuckle at that and laugh at your naivety. Because friends, the real challenge begins now. Being a new mother is more than just changing nappies and tending to your crying baby. There is a whole new person added into your ecosystem. The shift is dynamic and well if you know where the term 'baby blues' stems, it's from this rollercoaster of emotions which follows. 

Well, I can't really blame the body. It's just made an entire human being, it's got to be exhausted after all of that to be able to take care of natural hormone functions. Well, maybe we can give it a free pass for a few days. But then it takes advantage of our free pass, you know like our maids with their holidays? It carries on this emotional rollercoaster for a long long period. As we run around dealing with baby chores and daily chores, somewhere at the back of our mind a million things are falling apart despite a calm composed look. Fortunately we have almost mastered the art of 'smile during distress'! So you may look at a mother glowing and basking in post baby bliss, but that's all because she's a superwoman for being able to hide those postpartum signs. 


But then of course some women are just lucky to be able to skip this phase, but for those who dive head into it - you aren't alone. Your friends with children, your mother, grandmother, mother-in-law and your maid, each one of them know that when you're crying over spilled milk (literally and metaphorically) it's not you, it's your body repairing and healing leaving you all alone to deal with your hormones and emotions. But then, that's a small price to pay for the wonder you've created and for the memories and happiness you'll multiply with him/her as they grow up. Don't you agree? Yes there might be a few days of uncontrollable crying, frightening rage, uncertainty, fears and much more, but the moment they take their first step or utter their first word, each ill timed tear will be worth it! 


As most of the readers and followers would know SIT co-founder Chhavi Mittal recently underwent her second pregnancy. She's discussed it over her Instagram, YouTube and interviews multiple times, and it goes without saying that listening to someone deal with similar situations as you, sure does help.


So as ROHINI (Chhavi Mittal)experiences those blues post the arrival of JAHAAN (Arham Hussein), how does she cope with it? Watch the new episode of SITThe Better Half to find out! 



